Florida Summer Camp Program & Daily Activity Schedule
Program & Daily Schedule

Our Program
Circle F Dude Ranch Summer Camp program is a traditional sleep away camp with a Dude Ranch foundation. During our overnight camp sessions boys and girls 6-16 experience classic overnight camp activities plus our unique western focused dude ranch programming.
Our program is special because it offers kids complete freedom in selecting their activities. A boy or girl can specialize in an activity by taking it every day, or sample different activities, mixing it up from day to day. Our program recognizes the individual needs and interests of boys and girls, allowing each child to grow at a pace they are comfortable with.

Camper to Staff Ratio
Total Campers to Staff
Campers to In-Cabin Staff

Summer Camp Activities
At Circle F Dude Ranch, we break our activities into 2 main categories, skill focused and free choice.

Skill Focused Activities
Skill focused activities center around the idea that each camper will leave camp with a new skill set or have improved upon a skill set they already have. For example, if a camper comes to camp as a beginner rider we hope that through continuous lessons and engagement that camper will leave camp having progressed to an intermediate skill level. When campers participate in an activity multiple times they develop qualities such as leadership, perseverance, communication, confidence, and self-awareness. Each activity includes fun and exciting games and age-appropriate instruction to help boys and girls learn and master new skills.

Free Choice Activities
Free choice activities allow campers to try new activities or spend more time doing the ones they enjoy the most! Free choice activities prioritize free play and having fun over skill development.
Refer to our daily schedule to see how skill focused and free choice activities fall into our program.
Circle F Dude Ranch Camp Offers an abundance of activities within our 7 main department areas: Horseback Riding, Western Fun activities, High Ropes & Rock Climbing, Waterfront Activities, The Arts, Paintball and Extreme Adventures, and Individual & Team Sports.
Boys Camp + Girls Camp
At Circle F Dude Ranch Camp, we have designated girls’ and boys’ cabin lines. Boys sleep in the North cabin line and girls sleep in the South cabin line. Within the cabin line campers are separated into our five divisions.
Age Divisions
- Co-Bucks - Age 6 to 7 years old
- Buckaroos - Age 8 to 10 years old
- Lower Wranglers - Age 11 to 12 years old
- Upper Wranglers - Age 13 to 14 years old
- Pioneers - Age 15-16 years old
All of our activities and programs are operated as one cohesive camp family, but some activities may be separated into age-appropriate groups.
General Daily Camp Schedule
Early Morning
- 7:00 AM
Counselor Wake Up - 7:30 AM
Camper Wake Up - 8:00 AM
Flag Raising, Morning Thought, and Breakfast - 8:40 AM
Cabin Clean Up
Mid Morning
- 9:10 – 9:20 AM
Transition Time - 9:20 – 10:35 AM
1st Activity Period – Skill Focused for all age groups - 10:35 – 10:45 AM
Transition Time - 10:45 AM -12:00 PM
2nd Activity Period - Skill Focused for Wranglers & Pioneers / All Buckaroo General Swim
Early Afternoon
- 12:00 – 12:20 PM
Dismissed to cabins to clean up for lunch - 12:20 – 12:50 PM
Lunch - 12:50 PM - 1:50 PM
Siesta – Rest period/bunk time - 1:50 – 2:10 PM
Cantina - Afternoon Snack - 2:20 PM -3:20 PM
3rd Activity Period - Free Choice for Wranglers & Pioneers / Skill Focused for Buckaroos
Mid Afternoon
- 3:20 – 3:30 PM
Transition Time - 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
4th Activity Period - Free Choice for All Ages - 4:30 – 4:40 PM
Transition Time - 4:40 – 5:40 PM
5th Activity Period - All Wrangler & Pioneer General Swim, Free Choice for Buckaroos
Early Evening
- 5:40 – 6:00 PM
Dismissed to cabins to clean up for dinner - 6:00 – 6:45 PM
Dinner - 6:45 – 7:30 PM
Cabin Free Time - 7:00 – 7:20 PM
Evening Store Snack - 7:30 – 8:30 PM
Evening Program
- 8:30 PM
Buckaroos Dismissed / Showers / Gatherings - 8:45 PM
Wranglers Dismissed / Showers / Gatherings - 9:00 PM
Pioneers Dismissed / Showers / Gatherings - 9:45 PM
Buck Lights Out - 10:00 PM
Wrangler Lights Out - 10:30 PM
Pioneer Lights Out