Summer Camp Cabins for Boys & Girls

Cabin Life

Cabin life is an integral part of every child’s summer camp experience.

A boy or girl’s relationships with cabinmates and counselors are created mainly during the time spent in their cabins. Many of these relationships last well past summer camp, through college, and later into life. The summer camp cabin experience is formative for many boys and girls at camp. At Circle F we cherish the positive experiences kids have in their cabins.

Cabin life provides important opportunities for a child’s development and maturation.

  • Cabin Responsibilities
  • Cabin Fun & Bonding
  • Gatherings

Cabin Responsibilities

Every camper plays a role in the upkeep of their cabin during the summer. Kids are responsible for picking up their laundry, making beds, in addition to sweeping, mopping, and general cleaning. We believe the shared responsibility strengthens cabin bonds and teaches independence.

Cabin Fun

When campers have downtime in their cabins, they often spend time reading, playing games with bunkmates, and doing other fun cabin activities such as in-cabin crafts. This time is an excellent opportunity for free play for the cabin which allows kids and counselors to have unstructured bonding time.


Each evening the counselors and campers gather together to share about their day. These gatherings open up the cabin to deep-dive conversations that help the cabin develop a family atmosphere. Counselors help kids understand the camp mission better through these structured sharing times. Most importantly, gatherings teach the cabin to trust and support each other.

Cabin Divisions

At Circle F Dude Ranch Camp, our girls live on the South Line, their own private “girls camp”. Boys love to be boys and they live together on the North Line — it’s their “boys camp”. Within the cabin lines, kids are separated into five age divisions.

  • Co-Bucks - Age 6 to 7 years old
  • Buckaroo’s - Age 8 to 10 years old
  • Lower Wranglers - Age 11 to 12 years old
  • Upper Wranglers - Age 13 to 14 years old
  • Pioneers - Age 15-16 years old

Summer Cabins

Each cabin has 6 bunk beds with high-density foam mattresses. Sleeping up to 12 people per cabin, each individual cabin has its own indoor private bathroom space consisting of a toilet, shower, sink along with hooks and shelves to store personal belongings. All of our cabins have 2 air conditioning units per cabin that operate on a timer that runs from 7 pm to 7 am and is also adjusted to accommodate siesta and rain plans. Our cabins are fitted with tile flooring, ceiling fans, and shutters that all help to keep the space cool throughout the day.

Storage within the cabins is generally under-bed storage; each cabin also provides a small closet space to hang up items that cannot be stored in a trunk.


Our bathroom and main cabin spaces are separated via a shower curtain to ensure our campers are safe. The toilet area is separated by a door to ensure kids have privacy when using the restroom. Our counselors are sensitive to issues such as body image and bathroom use, and handle such topics in a sensitive manner. Please contact us if you have any questions.