Polk County’s Favorite Dude Ranch
Contact Us
Would you like more information about one of our programs or just have general questions. Please feel free to contact the office between 9 AM to 6 PM. You can also request additional information online about any of our programs.
Main Ranch Phone
Summer Camp Registration
Private Groups & Outdoor Ed
Camper Mail
Campers love to receive mail!
- Camper Name
- Camper Bunk (if you know)
- Circle F Dude Ranch Camp
- 5301 Dude Ranch Road
- Lake Wales, FL 33898
Shipping Address
Parents & guests are welcome to ship things to the Ranch. UPS, FedEx, and the US postal service all deliver to the Ranch Monday through Saturday. Parents, please consult our Package Policy before you ship your package.
- Circle F Dude Ranch Camp – Guest/Camper Name
- 5301 Dude Ranch Camp
- Lake Wales, FL 3898