Summer Camp Counselor Staff at Cirle F Dude Ranch
Meet Our Counselors
3 to 1 Camper to Staff Ratio Throughout Camp
Our Staff Is Passionate About Your Child
Circle F counselors and staff come from many different places and walks of life, but one thing is common and that is their passion for working with kids. From the cabin counselor to the administration, our camp staff understand they play an important role in your child’s time at Circle F Dude Ranch.

The Role Our Summer Camp Counselor Staff Plays
Is a camp counselor a parent, a coach, or a best friend? None of these analogies are perfect, because being part of Circle F’s staff has its own special characteristics and relationships. Our team understands that kids have parents or guardians who are raising them according to their beliefs, values, and ethics.
Coaches often serve as mentors and guides for children, and camp counselors do fill this role, but the relationships between a camper and counselor are much more congenial and familiar than in most coaching environments.
Because of this, many campers want to be their counselor’s friends. While a camp counselor can have a lot of fun and be enormously helpful to a child, being a best friend is a very different kind of relationship and there are drawbacks to this role. This is why our staff set limits with campers (for both the campers and staffs own physical and emotional safety), in ways that a friend would not.

Camp Counselors Become Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Circle F staff are trained to be role models. We train our counselors to think like a big brother or sister might…
- A big brother wouldn’t let a younger sibling do something to hurt him or herself or others.
- A big sister would intervene when a younger sibling was getting too wound up.
- A big brother would care for his or her sibling, have fun, and take an interest in them while still being able to put on the brakes when needed.
- Unlike a friend, a big sister would not share with a younger sister or brother certain confidences because it could be confusing, upsetting, or put too much of a burden on them.
- Our “older brothers and sisters” ultimately will make sure to care for their little brother or sister’s emotional and physical well-being.
Who Do We Hire?
The Circle F summer camp counselors are some of the most talented college-aged adults from around the world. They are a mix of former campers, international exchange program participants, and youth-focused individuals from across the U.S. Check out our staff section to discover more about who we hire.
Where Are Counselors From?
Circle F Dude Ranch camp hires staff from all over the world. Domestic staff primarily come from Southern Florida and major cities such as Miami, Orlando, West Palm, Tampa, and Naples. Every year staff are hired from all across the U.S., plus Circle F hires international counselor staff from countries such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Jamaica, France, Mexico, and Israel.
How Many Are There?
The Circle F staff includes around 70 unique individuals working in multiple departments and roles, giving us a total 3:1 camper to staff ratio throughout camp.

Training and Certification
Circle F Dude Ranch believes strongly in preparing our staff for the summer. Each year we bring in the following organizations to train our staff in our departments.
- American Red Cross - First Aid, CPR, and Lifeguarding
- Certified Horseman Association - Riding Instructors
- USA Archery - Archery Instructors
- Alpine Tower International (Association of Challenge Course Technology Approved vendor) - Climbing Instructors
In addition to the outside training, all camp counselors attend a week-long intensive staff development course focused on key skills to address homesickness, bullying, behavior management, and youth development.