Classic Kids Summer Camp Fun for Boys & Girls 6-16
Theme Days, Free Play & Evening Programs
Boys & girls summer camp is more than just activities — it’s fun experiences that lead to lifelong friendships. Each night is filled with an all-camp, division, or cabin activity. Additionally, days and weekends are filled with theme days, free play, and other unique experiences. These programs vary from year to year to make each summer at the Ranch one-of-a-kind.
Unstructured Free Play for Kids
Free Play and Open Waterfront
Every day our boys and girls have an activity period with no set activity scheduled so they can experience the joy of free play. They can explore the Ranch, head to the waterfront for free swim, or play a game of tag out front of their cabin.
What they do is not as important as giving them the freedom to have fun outdoors with their friends.
Florida’s Dude Ranch for Kids
Western Days
During our first, second, and third sessions the Ranch celebrates “Western Days.” These three-day events include olympic sports, a classic carnival, and old-time celebrations.
Campers and staff enjoy all manner of frontier games and activities during the day, before putting on their best western wear for special night events leading up the Circle F Hoedown on the last night.
A Dude Ranch Tradition
Turnout Day
At the ranch after a hard day of work, our horses get turned out to pasture for some much-needed rest and relaxation. This is called the “Turnout”. In keeping with our Ranch traditions, once a week we have a more relaxed day with our camp community. It’s a chance to regroup after a busy week of camp activities, enjoy extended free play, deep clean our cabins, and most importantly sleep in.
When The Sun Goes Down
Evening Program
Every evening, Circle F has exciting and fun programs planned for the campers. On special nights, the entire camp gathers together for the evening program. On other nights, boys and girls participate in programs specifically designed for their age group or their individual cabins.
There is always something fun happening. Evening programs include activities such as Glow in the Dark Capture the Flag, themed dances, Skit Night, talent shows, campfires, and other fun events.
Making Summer Camp Memories
Theme Days
Every day is fun at camp and sometimes it’s about being fun and silly at the same time. Throughout camp, there are set theme days. These days are always included in the camper packet to help campers prepare for the days in advance of the session. Look to campers and staff to truly be silly on these days.
A few examples of past summer theme days:
- Luau: Bring some bright colors, Hawaiian shirt, or festive lei for the Luau Evening Program.
- Rainbow Day: Choose one color of the rainbow and dress from head to toe.
- A Day at the Zoo: Dress up as an animal or choose a shirt that shows an animal.
- Wacky Sock Day: Wear some crazy or mix-matched socks.
- Patriotic Day: On the 4th of July, dress in Red, White, and Blue for the annual Circle F Water Wars!
- Sports Day: Represent your favorite sport or sports team.
- Tacky Day: No matching allowed. The wackier the better.
- Heroes and Villains: Dress up like a fictional hero or a villain.
- Circle F Spirit: Dress head to toe in red and white.
- Welcome to Neverland: We never want to grow up. Dress up as you live on in Neverland – pirates, mermaids, and lost children.