Traveling to Circle F Dude Ranch, a Kid’s Summer Camp in Florida
Air Arrival
Circle F Dude Ranch Camp is happy to provide transportation to and from Orlando International Airport (MCO) on each camp session’s opening and closing days. Circle F staff will escort your child to or from camp. There is a one-way airport transportation fee of $150.00 or a round-trip for $300.00.
Airline reservations should be made early and in conjunction with the camp office. Please note and provide the itinerary details to the camp office at least two weeks before travel, including the airline confirmation number. Also, email a copy of the itinerary and receipts for baggage and “Unaccompanied Minor” fees (return flights only) to .
Things to Consider When Flying
When planning for flights to and from camp, please try to book a direct or non-stop flight. If a connecting flight is necessary, be advised that many airlines do not allow minors flying alone as a designated (paid for) “Unaccompanied Minor” on flights that connect or on the last flight of the day.
When Should My Camper Fly
We would like campers to arrive on Opening Day in time to enjoy activities, so we request that you do your best to reserve flights that arrive before noon. Due to travel time to the airport, check-in, and security screening, we ask that families schedule departures from camp between 9:00 am and noon if possible. Earlier is always better.
Flying “Unaccompanied Minor”
Please check with your airline or travel agent concerning the policies for designated “Unaccompanied Minors” and other details regarding minors before booking tickets. Most airlines require that all children under the age of 15 fly as a designated “Unaccompanied Minor.”
Parents must pay for airline baggage and “Unaccompanied Minor” fees for both arrival and departure in advance. Please keep a copy of the receipts for any fees paid and email them to . We will ask to have a payment method on file for unexpected airline charges for campers leaving camp by plane.
Arrival and Departure
Our staff will meet your camper just outside the security area when they arrive at the airport. If your child is flying as an “Unaccompanied Minor,” our team can meet them at the gate. Please get in touch with the Circle F office to receive the name of the person picking up campers. Staff members will be wearing a red polo or red t-shirt with a white Circle F Logo. We ask that your child wear a Circle F camp shirt, if possible, to help our staff instantly identify him at the airport. Camp shirts can be mailed before the flight if requested. Staff will contact you on the phone number provided to alert you the camper has arrived safely as soon as the staff and camper have connected. Our camp staff will assist campers in the airport and provide transportation to and from the Orlando International Airport (MCO) on opening and closing days.
Note: If your child has any issues while in route, make certain they know how to get in contact with you immediately. Then we ask that you contact us at camp with the details. Likewise, we will contact you if any issues arise while transporting your child to or from the airport.
What to Pack in the Carry-On
We suggest that campers have a carry-on bag with a change of clothes, towel, swimsuit, and toiletry items in the event of delayed luggage.
Shipping Luggage vs. Check Luggage
Please check airline policies on acceptable carry-on items (including liquids). UPS and FedEx are the most effective means for handling trunks and oversized baggage. We urge you to ship trunks to and from camp if your children are flying. Often, campers can avoid the baggage screening procedures and long check-in times by having only carry-on bags.
If you do send checked luggage (trunk, duffle bag, backpack, etc.) identification tags. Please put two name tags on each piece of checked luggage, showing both home and camp addresses and phone numbers. Please check with your airline for baggage charges and policies for both arrival and departure.
Cell Phones, Wallets, Passports
Cell phones, wallets, electronics, passports, and ticket information will be collected from the camper upon arrival to camp and held securely in the Main office for the duration of the camp session. Circle F Staff will charge phones before Closing Day if the family provides a charger with the phone.