Opening Day
Each session opens on Sunday; the gates to the Ranch open at 8:30 AM.
Families should have the following items ready or completed:
- All forms, including health forms, must be signed and submitted to your online camp portal prior to arrival.
- Submit payment in full before coming to camp.
- Bring paper copies as backups for all printed forms.
- Ensure that all camper items are labeled and packed.

Families will progress through Three Stations
Station 1 Check-in & Form Review – If all forms are complete then you will be cleared to proceed. Additionally, campers will receive their cabin assignments and parents will receive contact information for the session. The login for the camper photo and email portal will also be supplied at this time.
Station 2 Health Screen Station – Every family must stop at this station to have their onsite medications checked in, receive their pre-camp health screen, and review their camper healthcare packet with their parent or legal guardian. Your health care packet being turned in prior to the start of your session will help us to expedite this process.
Station 3 Meet Your Counselors – Meet with Camp’s head counselors and be introduced to your camper’s cabin counselors. Luggage is dropped at this station and kids say goodbye to families as they are escorted to their cabin.
Closing Day
- Saturday is the final day of camp for all sessions. The camp gate will officially be opened at 8:30 AM for camper pickup and all campers are expected to be picked up by 1:00 PM. If you need to arrange and earlier pick up time please contact the Camp Main Office at 863-676-4113.
- Circle F Dude Ranch must ensure that every camper leaves with the family member listed on their registration form. If you would like your camper to be picked up by someone other than yourself please submit a written request to the Camp office two weeks prior to pick up.
- All families will need to officially check-out in the camp Main Gate.
Campers will be able to pick up the following items upon checkout at the Gate.
- Any unused medications
- Lost and found
- Older campers may collect their cell phones
All campers are required to be picked up no later than 12:00 Noon on closing day so that we can prepare for our next session.

Closing Day Rodeo & Horse Show
Campers that participate in the horseback riding program will more than likely be part of the Circle F Dude Ranch Camp Rodeo that is held on the closing day of each session (except Session Four). The Rodeo starts promptly at 10:00 AM in the Circle F Arena located near the front gate. Bench seating is provided and families are encouraged to bring their cameras. If you are unsure if your camper will be in the Rodeo feel free to contact the Camp office. Attendance of the Rodeo is not mandatory for families to attend but is highly encouraged since campers work hard all summer so that they can demonstrate their skills in the program and look forward to their families watching.