A Summer Camp 2018 Family Reunion

Summer Camp Counselors and Campers Reunite at Circle F Barn

A summer camp family is unique and special. The family form over years of the common bonds created during the summer camp experience. Generations of camp counselors, campers, friends and family members intertwine to make a network of support and friendship. Circle F Dude Ranch is lucky that each year in February that family comes back to the Ranch to celebrate our great history. Over the years Circle F has hosted reunion events across Florida. In 2017 the decision was made to hold a free family weekend style event at Circle F Dude Ranch to celebrate the 65th year. The 65th year reunion event was such a success that Circle F Dude Ranch decided all future reunions would be free and held at the Ranch. On Saturday February 10, 2018 our camp family marked 66 years of Circle F Dude Ranch operation. Over 100 family and friends from multiple generations gathered at camp for a day of fun, fellowship, and remembrance. Old and new friends joined together with laughter, smiles, hugs, and joy.

Past counselors look at a camp yearbook during 2018 Circle F reunion

Summer Camp 2018 - 66 Years of Summer Camp History:

The reunion weekend is always an event full of happy engagements. This year old and current staff and campers huddled around over 20 years of yearbook set out. Their memories of years past filled the office with laughter for most of the day. In some cases former counselors reconnect with their campers to only find out their campers are now counselors with campers of their own. There were members in attendance from the 1960’s all the way to the 2017. The past generations stood in awe of how camp has grown and the subtle changes to buildings, program, and grounds. Those in attendance were happy to discover that even with all the changes the camp remains true to our founding mission and principles.

A Day of Camp Activities:

2017 Counselors Reconnect

Between catching up and meals those in attendance went out and had some classic camp fun. Generations came together at the Alpine tower, rock wall, archery, canoeing, and horseback riding. Games of alumni kickball, dodgeball and build a boat filled the afternoon. As the day grew to a close all gathered in the round up to watch a video highlighting summer of 2017. They also heard about how Circle F Dude Ranch continues to grow each year. A classic Circle F Campfire with s’mores, hayrides and dancing closed the night. Circle F reunions are amazing events with people from all different generations who came together to relive their summer memories. It rekindle friendships and helps our family make new ones. Be part of the next reunion by following Circle F Dude Ranch Camp on Facebook and other social media Channels.

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